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Custom Essay Writing Services

Dissertation Planning Process

The dissertation process involves different actions from the conception of the final stage of acceptance of the paper (Black, 2012). Developing a dissertation requires the identification and a justification of the topic or a subject area that the study will have a base. The dissertation process needs planning, with the objectives and deadlines for the…
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Financial Analysis

Financial analysis for The Proctor and Gamble Company  The company’s liabilities, both long term, and short term include a long-term debt, which has been reducing over the years. As at 2010, the debt stood at 21,360 dollars, which reduced to 18,329 dollars in the financial year 2015. The short-term liabilities can be said to be…
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African History

Why have historians paid more attention to Pharaonic Egypt than to the societies of sub-Saharan Africa?             History pays more attention to the Pharaonic Egypt than other Sub-Saharan Africa societies because it was Africa’s earliest literate and politically stable regime (Craig, Kagan & Graham, 2011). The empire had major activities like trade and military and…
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The Spread and Influence of Christianity             Christianity began with a small group of people who were followers of Jesus Christ. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are based on the writings of the Jewish prophets and leaders. The original number of the followers who are recorded is twelve. Others do…
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KPMG’s Reputation

The impact of KPMG’s reputation over the trading scandal             The status of KPMG auditing services was more likely than not damaged by the allegation that one of its senior partners provided insider information. That resulted in a conflict of interest in the firm’s ability to give creditable service to its clients and probably the…
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Nature and Nurture

Introduction  There is a controversy whether an individual’s personality is a result of nature (biology) or nurture (culture). Whether or not both determine an individual character is important to understand when solving societal problems arising from different personalities. This paper, therefore, seeks to answer this question. Nature or Nurture Those who hold the view that…
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Request for Proposal

A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that an organization posts to elicit bids from potential vendors for the desired IT solution. It establishes what a customer is looking for and establishes evaluation criteria for assessing proposals (techtarget.com). Request for proposal is, therefore, a request to get something done be it design, the supply…
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The Influence of Zoroastrianism             Zoroastrianism is known for its influence on religion. It is famous for replacing polytheistic religion, worship of many gods, to monotheistic religion, worship of one supreme god. Zoroastrianism is based on the teachings of a prophet by the name Zarathustra who talked to a supreme being named Ahura Mazda. It…
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Drug Addiction Recovery Program

The addiction recovery program targets younger youth at the teenage age, who get influence from the community and get a diversion from focus in life. The population is a priority because given their brain development of the adolescents; they are a susceptible addiction and loss of purpose in life (Colby, Monti, & Tevyaw, p. 336).…
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Health Education and Promotion

Healthcare systems and populations require a proper flow of knowledge and information that influence health choices and attitudes. Health education is an initiative or a process that offer combinations of learning experience over relevant information and accessibility to help people improve their health and make health choices (Macdonald, Johnson, & Leow, 2014). Health promotion, on…
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