It is necessary for new research to relate to the existing research within its relevant field (Gadd, Karstedt, & Messner, 2011). Contextualizing requires that the available research must be linked to the progress of the research to position it in its area as well as ensure that it contributes to the development of the knowledge. It is, therefore, important to contextualize research with the relevant literature available in the field to ensure that it is tied to the gaps and major questions in the field. Proper contextualization enables more explanation into the objectives of the research by the use of available literature within the field. It is through this process that a scholar will be able to express what place the research holds in the area given the already existing research.
Reviewing the work of other scholars, position a research ensures that they offer continuity to the knowledge in the scholarly fields. With the help of existing projects, a student can create context-specific research in aid of creating new knowledge that addresses specific needs in the field (Buchanan & Bryman, 2007). A research qualifies in its area of practice when the knowledge it contributes firmly locates within the context of the field and can be subject to critical review and professional interrogation to influence policy and practice, and the work of peers. Contextualizing research dictates the context of the study and the questions and the rationale for the importance of answering and exploring the issues.
Contextualizing research gives an affirmation of the research that has been done before and recognizes the research being done, or that has been done in the area, and the contribution of the study to the advancement of insights, knowledge and understanding in the field of education. The research needs framing in an understanding of the practice as a process with questions raised in the context, methods, outputs and outcomes that can be subjected to critical review (Schatz, 2003). A well-contextualized research has an impact beyond the individual researcher.
Contextualizing a research covers every aspect of information from different media and domain and is vital to increasing understanding of the studies in a general sense in a historical and contemporary perspective (Valsiner, 2009). Contextualizing research involves picking the pieces of information that relate to the study and evaluating such information critically for significance and relevance to the field. Gaps in the knowledge are uncovered, and that guides on the focus of the research questions and offering that there is no repeat of an already available research and that the study is new of its kind or progresses the already available knowledge. Much of contextualization helps in mapping the area of the study (Schatz, 2003).
It is critical to locate the position of the study within the scholarly field and formulate possible research questions and strategy that will drive the education (Zahra, 2007). Through the contextualization of the study, the scholar can fit the study within its area having considered the progress made in the field and acknowledging the knowledge in advancing the field (Valsiner, 2009). Contextualization positions the concepts of the study in a wider world, making very clear the line of inquiry that the survey will follow and in ensuring that the methodology of the study is stated. Through contextualization, the scholar can bring out the sense in the field and to self and be able to give purpose and quality to the study making it widely acceptable.
From the analysis and the review of the previous research, a series of characteristics within them emerge that help shapes the current research and define its methodology and epistemology. Contextualization explores in reality what is out there and how the study will use the knowable to advance the area of the study (Buchanan & Bryman, 2007). Concerning the issues identified in other studies, a researcher from informed perspective can identify researchable items raised to structure them and respond to them in the study. Contextualization of a study can generate interaction with the available research to make them understandable.
Researches are the best avenues for raising awareness on contextual issues through the analysis and interpretation of ideas and developing new strategies based on evidence and prior research (Valsiner, 2009). Contextualization prompts the critical consideration of evaluating previous methods used in studies to dig into their appropriateness as robust and rigorous to be applied within the field of study (Maret, 2013). Conceptualizing a research should also aim at influencing the methodologies used for the study and available documentation of the appropriate methods relevant to the field. It helps the study to use a range of methods that are visual and derived from the related field or adapted from other domains based on the focus of the study.
Methods of Conceptualizing Research
Contextual review forms a major part of any study and extends through the project. The critical analytical process defines the scope of the study and the state of the existing knowledge based on the available literature (Zahra, 2007). Contextualization bridges the identification of the problem for the research and the response to the study based on the available methodologies or their alteration. The contextualization prompts the need of the study with the evidence available from the resources available and recognizing areas where the aspects of the research questions have been addressed significantly. In contextualizing a research, the time and the place where the research is conducted are highlighted and the manner in which it is carried out (Maret, 2013).
The implications of the study have to be defined in both the study and the methodology, stating the aspect that need further work. Contextualization presents a precise identification and the understanding of the research questions by gaining more information about what has already been done together with their scope (Buchanan & Bryman, 2007). Therefore, throughout the research, contextualization should continue from the beginning to the end, helping to shape and position the study topic while connecting it with other significant research. The process places the study through a process that will identify the continuity of the knowledge or the manner in which the study can connect the gaps available in the area of research (Schatz, 2003). Contextualization shapes the relevance of the literature used regarding references giving more light on the most relevant literature having lessening the importance of less relevant references.
The proposed research can have its understanding developed through an earlier survey to establish the rationale for the proposal to provide some possible background information to generate proper focus of the plan. Conceptualization a set of relevant references that can be compiled as source materials for the study that advances the research and grants it basis and position within the field of study (Maret, 2013). The references can also be used to develop a critical review of own research and the identification of own research question and the progression of the study. The study design and the subject investigated will define the manner of contextualizing a study. Prior investigations of literature help shape or design the study question. An adequately developed question can also gain basis from the review of the literature and help develop it in line with the already existing knowledge As well as what requires to be advanced.
According to Gadd, Karstedt, & Messner (2011), the initial stage of the study has to do with the advantage that the already existing knowledge offers to the field of study to help avoid a repeat of what has already been done. It is important to establish that the proposed area of study has never been examined and is a response to the gap that exists in the field of research (Maret, 2013). Sources are identified to advance the study for the identification of the research question and developing an argument for the study. There are responses that arise on the resources, even as their contribution is acknowledged the contributions and to develop a critical stance with the ideas generated open to analyze (Valsiner, 2009). The arguments made by the response to the resources require an open mind with the use evidence and sound reasoning.